Category Archives: Poems
Poem: Cures
By Deirdre Maultsaid //Angel, darling, you have such wakefulness, pacing with your burnt tallow, passing another anniversary watching the clock hands stroke away meaning. I know: all shall perish. Look. There is the shadow of God, the disenchantment of the … Continue reading
Poem ” Shine on, you moons of Jupiter ” was published at The Puritan
//“All I have is sniper thinking; I am calling out from between the rocks…” Read poem here
Poem: If Nostalgia Were Religion
If Nostalgia were religion By Deirdre Maultsaid Originally published in Contemporary Verse 2: 33(3), 2011 //I would return to that time, to see my mother, a giddy señora, holding aloft a baked globe of rare black clay, standing among bowls … Continue reading
Poem: Cousin to the Light
Santiago Matamoros By Deirdre Maultsaid //As the mist rises on the stony path we take our bearing on the golden bell tower gathering, ensouling, the heather our diviner. We tell our dreamy story. I am a pilgrim collecting souls; … Continue reading
Poem: Mercy
By Deirdre Maultsaid //You could be a true God’s whore. You could be a Flirty Fish, showing the love, witnessing, and winning others into the kingdom. You could halve a pear and paint a still life–bronze and ovoid. You could haul … Continue reading
Poem “Exodus” was published at Pif
//”It is not all ripe oranges delicious mangoes…” –> read poem